Our Ministries

Leading children into a dynamic relationship with Christ and equipping them to serve.
Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in partnership with parents, we will faithfully teach the gospel and demonstrate the love of Christ to all children so that they will become disciples of Christ who trust, serve, worship, and obey Him now and into eternity to the glory of God the Father.
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry is focused on building a community that is growing together in Christian Discipleship.
Youth Ministry aims and works to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person;
Youth Ministry seeks to draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the faith community;
Youth Ministry empowers young people to become disciples of Jesus Christ who witness to their faith by living and working for justice, peace and human dignity.

Young Adult
Our Vision is to build a community of Young Adults who live transformed lives through intimate communion with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It is the vision of this department is to be a place where Young Adults coming from all walks of life have a personal experience to tie to their faith walk in order to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, to live under the guise of the Holy Spirit, and to spend eternity with God.
To develop a caring community of women devoted to Christ, through:
Real Relationships significant and deepening relationships with one another
Christ-Centered Focus spiritual encouragement
and growth -
Wide-spread Mission meeting the needs of each other in all seasons of our lives, and of those in our community and around the world

Our mission as the worship ministry in Living Word Missionary Church is to lead others into all-out, uncompromised worship of God. Our primary purpose is to give God the glory, honor, and praise that He deserves.
We want people, no matter what they are going through to know that Christ and his church will walk with them through life. As a volunteer in the church, do everything in your power, as led by the Holy Spirit, to make the people you encounter feel that kind of love and support.

We believe that the position of the sound and video operator is an important mission of the church. We will revere the mission by giving the position respect, priority and our personal best, be on time, interact with people, not just so that we can make them sound good and look good, but so that people can worship God and stay attentive and focused on the activities of the service.